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Why I founded Linen & Quince and what quinces have to do with all this, you will learn in this article.
I can still remember times in my life when I had many ideas and wishes, but no real goals and certainly no plan. I didn’t know who I was. I didn’t know what to do with my life. I lived from day to day. Or rather, I worked from day to day. Because leisure time or vacation were foreign words for me.
It wasn’t until I became seriously ill one day, had to spend some time in a hospital and had to completely turn my life upside down in the months that followed, that basically everything changed for me. This experience was an eye-opener. As a result, I completely turned my life upside down. Unfortunately not in terms of my urge to completely overwhelm myself with too many tasks, but in terms of more long-term planning and at least the intention to live slower and have more free time.

Why Quince?

When I founded Linen & Quince, I had a garden plot. I’ve since sold it, for various reasons. But at that time, my garden was extremely important to me.
I have been very interested in permaculture for a long time and have been able to try out many permaculture principles in the years I have had the garden. In addition to growing vegetables, I also planted some trees every year. Among them is a quince tree. Quinces have always fascinated me. In Germany, quince trees are rarely seen. They can grow very large and old, and unlike most other fruit tree species, they do not like plant neighbors. They prefer to stand all alone. They have beautiful flowers and leaves. And when they bear fruit, they smell incredibly good. I love the scent of quince. I think the smell of quince is one of the most beautiful ever. Unfortunately, you can rarely buy quinces in Germany. Even products, such as quince jam, are not likely to be found on a supermarket shelf. So the quince is basically a kind of rarity among the fruit varieties.

My Philosophy

I’ve always been a rather profound person. I think too much. I read non-stop and my brain always tries to make sense of everything. My desire to start a company that produces things has existed for a very long time, but somehow I didn’t manage to develop a substantial plan from it for years. And when I finally had a plan, I failed due to the lack of budget. Therefore, I had to change the plan. But not the philosophy. I had originally thought of a different company name, but really everything I could think of already existed. It took me months to come up with a company name that hadn’t been used yet. For which domains were still available and for which I would not be threatened with trademark infringement. And that would not just be a meaningless word, but would have a meaning.
Who associates an impression and feelings. Linen & Quince, does that for me. Even if I had to make extreme compromises in the implementation and still have to. Nevertheless, I am convinced that it will be worthwhile in the long run.

The right balance

I think we all need more balance in our lives.
Which is why the topic of Work.Life balance has been debated so much for years. So far, I don’t see that we as a society are coping well with the balancing act.
As a woman, (still) employee, student, entrepreneur and mother. My life is a test of endurance every day. The systems in which we live do not make it possible to realize oneself without having to endure, at least temporarily, such extreme stresses. Anyway, that’s my experience and I don’t know any other way, at least if you don’t have the opportunity to live with parents or friends or alternatively have a partner who helps you earn a living, so that you can concentrate on the essentials. Linen & Quince stands for all of this.
Linen is the essence, the clothes we surround ourselves with, the old values we have forgotten, the healthier way of growing textiles and producing high-quality textiles. A craft that has been largely forgotten. Quince is the rare, the rare. A hidden beauty. You have to look for it to find it and then it will surely impress you once you have found it.


I think we should regularly rethink the way we live and work. There are always ways to improve things. Shifting the focus. Customize your own values and views. To develop ideas and bring them to life. For me, the journey is the reward. And I would be happy if you would accompany me on this path. I hope you will be inspired, motivated and encouraged to want to realize even your wildest dreams.

I wish you a wonderful weekend.

All the love


“When a philosopher answers you, you don’t understand what you asked him.”

André Gide

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About the author

Christina Ernst

Christina Ernst is founder and CEO of Linen & Quince. She is also a designer, author and real estate expert. She shares her experiences and knowledge not only on our Linen & Quince blog, but also on her personal blog, christinaernst.net , where she writes about financial knowledge, starting a business, real estate knowledge and personal development. She loves interior design, art, antiques, as well as elegant, sustainable and high-quality fashion.

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