Tethart Philipp Christian Haag Collection

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Tethart Philipp Christian Haag: An 18th Century Dutch Artist

Welcome to this week’s collection post and with it the launch of the new collection of exceptional vintage artworks, about and by the talented Dutch artist Tethart Philipp Christian Haag! In this article, we will take a look at the life and works of this fascinating artist who lived from 1737 to 1812.

Early Life and Education

Tethart Philipp Christian Haag was born on April 22, 1737 in Kassel, Netherlands. He was the son of Johan David Christian Haag of Hesse-Kassel. His father was a court painter at the Stadhouderlijk court in Leeuwarden. In 1747, Johann Haag followed Prince William IV to The Hague, where he had become Stadtholder at that time. He took his son Tethart with him at the age of 10 and taught him the art of painting. In 1756 he joined the Confrerie Pictura . Since 1760 he was registered there as a portrait and horse painter. In the same year, he officially took over from his late father at the court of Governor Prince William IV.

Influences and style

Tethart Philipp Christian Haag was significantly influenced by his father, Johan David Christian Haag and his life at the court of The Hague at the time. His motifs visibly reflect this. He himself also influenced numerous painters. He is known to have been the teacher of Carel Bentfort, Johan Cornelis Braams, Johannes Sonneberg, and Johannes Vermazen.

Well-known works

Haag created a variety of impressive works of art throughout his career. Some of his best-known works are:

  1. Portrait of Wilhelmine of Prussia” (1789): This portrait depicts the beauty and grace of the young princess with astonishing detail. Another special feature of the portrait is the fact that Tethart Philipp Christian Haag depicted her on horseback, but not in the ladies’ seat customary for the time, but with one leg on one side, as was actually only customary for men.
  2. Orangutan at William V’s Zoo, Picking an Apple” (1777): William V had his own zoo. Haag painted the orangutan living there several times in different situations. Among other things, how deiser picked an apple.
  3. “Self-Portrait” (1777): In this self-portrait, Haag depicted himself in a pensive pose, demonstrating his capacity for self-reflection.

He also painted depictions of countless horses and dogs. His paintings are always warm and colorful.

Later years and legacy

Over the years, Haag gained great recognition and success as an artist. His works have been shown in renowned galleries and exhibitions at home and abroad. Haag was highly regarded for his works of art.

He also ran the first public art museum in the Netherlands, the Prince William V Gallery in Buitenhof in The Hague.

Tethart Philipp Christian Haag died on August 3, 1812 in The Hague. Although he is no longer with us, his legacy lives on in his impressive works of art that continue to fascinate and inspire us today.


Tethart Philipp Christian Haag was undoubtedly an outstanding artist of his time. His realistic portraits and landscapes testify to his talent and dedication to art. We are fortunate to be able to admire his work and continue to honor his passion for art.

I was so enthusiastic about the collection that I had four of the works printed for my own home.

I hope you like our Tethart Philipp Christian Haag collection as much as we do. Which work is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

I wish you a week full of creativity.

All the love


Tethart Philipp Christian Haag Collection

You can find the entire collection in our shop here.

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About the author

Christina Ernst

Christina Ernst is founder and CEO of Linen & Quince. She is also a designer, author and real estate expert. She shares her experiences and knowledge not only on our Linen & Quince blog, but also on her personal blog, christinaernst.net , where she writes about financial knowledge, starting a business, real estate knowledge and personal development. She loves interior design, art, antiques, as well as elegant, sustainable and high-quality fashion.

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