
One year older, one year wiser?

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In a few days it will be my birthday and I will be 37 years young. This is an opportunity for me to review the past twelve months and set goals for the next. After all, birthdays somehow mark important milestones in our lives. They give us an occasion to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one. While some people really look forward to their birthday, there are probably others who dread getting older. No matter what your attitude, birthdays are kind of the perfect time to reflect on life and aging, I think.

Am I a year wiser now?

The saying “A year older, a year wiser” implies that aging is necessarily accompanied by an increase in wisdom. But is that really the case? When I think about it carefully, I have the impression that somehow the past few years have really led to the fact that many people I know or “follow” seem to have somehow become more mature and wiser.
Is it simply us and the fact that we are all simply getting older? Or Has the pandemic and everything that is happening in the world had any influence on us that makes us react more thoughtfully? In any case, I notice in myself that I have never felt so calm, serene and secure in my life. I have never been more confident or optimistic.
When I’ve heard older women in their mid-twenties talk about how in their 30s or 40s, they didn’t just feel older, but better than ever, I never really wanted to believe that, but now I would even subscribe to that statement.
However, in general, there are certainly many older people who are very wise, but age alone is probably no guarantee of wisdom.
On the contrary, I guess nowadays, at least in Germany, we look back on 1-3 generations of people who, unfortunately, did not exactly shine with very wise decisions. Wisdom, however, is the result of experience, reflection and learning from mistakes. So we can learn from the mistakes of our ancestors and hopefully make the future better. The more you educate yourself, grow, heal, understand and accept yourself and others better, I think the wiser you become. Of course, as we get older, we potentially have had more experiences and more opportunities to learn from our mistakes, but many people are still rather stuck in their views and ways, especially as they get older.


We have, if we are lucky, an extra twelve months each year to look at new ideas and concepts that can help us broaden our perspective and evolve into a wiser person. What is another aspect of aging is that it gives us the opportunity to change. We can detach ourselves from past mistakes, from an old “I” even, if we want to. We can set new goals and embark on a journey of self-improvement. Birthdays are a great time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished in the past year and recognize ourselves for it. Likewise, to consider what we would like to improve in the coming year. We can ask ourselves if we are closer to our goals and if we are on the right path to achieve our dreams.

A new, exciting year of life

Each new year of life offers a wealth of opportunities and challenges, I think. It can be a year full of joy and success or a year full of challenges and difficulties. But regardless of what happens this year, we have the opportunity to grow and improve. Each new year of life is an opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest and do everything we set out to do. We can learn new skills, make new friends, discover new places, and reach new goals. We can challenge ourselves and grow beyond ourselves. I make a conscious decision each time again to see each new year of life as an opportunity. To value my life and the people in it. And to be an asset to others even in the next year.


Overall, we should view our age as an opportunity to improve and grow. Life is an adventure and every birthday is another chapter in our story. I have some big and exciting plans for the coming months and I’ll be taking you along with me on many of them. So let’s make the most of each year and look forward to the coming year together!

I wish you an exciting weekend.

All the love


“Women ask the impossible: to forget their age, but always remember their birthday.”

Karl Farkas

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About the author

Christina Ernst

Christina Ernst is founder and CEO of Linen & Quince. She is also a designer, author and real estate expert. She shares her experiences and knowledge not only on our Linen & Quince blog, but also on her personal blog, , where she writes about financial knowledge, starting a business, real estate knowledge and personal development. She loves interior design, art, antiques, as well as elegant, sustainable and high-quality fashion.

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