
My 7 tips for more wellness in everyday life

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Wellness professional

Going to the beautician regularly or to a spa is of course the best way to feel refreshed, beautiful and comfortable again.
But not everyone can afford this form of wellness on a regular basis. I certainly don’t, and not just monetarily. I find it incredibly difficult to get appointments that fit my busy daily routine.
Of course, there is also the time to go to the beauty salon and back again. In fact, I even have vouchers for cosmetic and massage studios, some of which are over a year old and I just don’t get around to redeeming them.

The spa at home

But what I regularly try to find time for is a little wellness in my home.
During the pandemic, when everything was inevitably closed, I started to buy various accessories and devices for home, which I otherwise only knew from a beautician. Nowadays, you can basically buy anything online for home use. And most of the applications are very easy to do yourself.

Regular applications

Of course, it depends on how much and when you have time. But I, for example, would rather have 15-30 minutes a day than 2-3 hours once a week or month. Therefore, if possible, I take about 30 minutes three times a week for some wellness. Here are my 7 favorite applications:

Application 1:

A warm full bath or alternatively a warm foot bath with Epsom salt. Since it consists of magnesium sulfate, magnesium helps muscle relaxation, has an alkaline and anti-inflammatory effect. In my opinion, this is especially suitable for the evening. After such a bath or at least a foot bath, you sleep even better.

Application 2:

A microdermabrasion treatment. The treatment refines pores and reduces wrinkles and fine lines. At the same time, it creates a negative pressure, which stimulates collagen production. It also sucks out excessive sebum and dirt. This treatment should be done no more than once a week. Once a month can be enough, depending on the complexion.

Application 3:

Microneedling with a high-quality serum also stimulates collagen production and cell renewal of the skin. When hyaluronic acid is used, it has a plumping and moisturizing effect. It is important to work very hygenic. And to cleanse the skin very thoroughly beforehand.

Application 4:

An ultrasound treatment. Yes, you read that right, there are ultrasonic devices that can even produce different frequencies. For example, certain vibrations are more suitable for cleansing, others are used for skin rejuvenation. So you can only cleanse the skin deep into the pores with the help of the ultrasonic device. And then work a mask or care deep into the skin with the help of another ultrasound frequency.

Application 5:

A high-frequency device is available with different attachments. Treatment stimulates blood circulation and cell renewal. It also has a disinfecting effect and is therefore also very suitable for treating problem skin and blemishes. You can even treat the scalp with it, which is supposed to stimulate hair growth.

Application 6:

Use an IPL laser. These devices can slow down hair growth and even stop it altogether with regular use. In addition, there are now also devices that are suitable for anti-aging treatment, even on the face. The intense light pulses stimulate cell renewal and collagen production. One of my absolute favorites, by the way. In my experience, hair removal in particular works really well with it and for a fraction of the price of what a beautician or a special institute would charge for a laser treatment for hair removal.

Application 7:

High-quality cosmetics and care products. Have you ever been to a 5 star hotel and found the bathroom and the products provided there better than the bathroom in your home? I am convinced that even the aesthetics of the packaging play a role in how we think about the product and how we feel about its effect.
The cheap mascara for 2€, in the pink plastic packaging, next to the colorful plastic tube with a day care from the drugstore, will probably not spread a relaxed spa atmosphere.
But high-quality cosmetics and care products, in elegant tins and jars, with a noble, subtle fragrance, harmless ingredients and a convincing effect, effortlessly succeed in exuding a luxurious spa atmosphere.


There are so many ways to get a spa treatment at home these days, saving not only time but also money. Sure, a treatment with a beautician is a different experience, but who can go to a beautician several times a week? However, I think that the regular use of cosmetic treatments in particular achieves the best results and increases well-being most significantly. How do you see the topic of wellness, do you like to go to a beautician regularly? Or do you prefer cosmetic treatments at home? What are your favorite applications? Feel free to let me know in the comments.

I wish you a relaxing weekend.

All the love


“It’s not easy to be as beautiful as you look.”

Sharon Stone

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About the author

Christina Ernst

Christina Ernst is founder and CEO of Linen & Quince. She is also a designer, author and real estate expert. She shares her experiences and knowledge not only on our Linen & Quince blog, but also on her personal blog, christinaernst.net , where she writes about financial knowledge, starting a business, real estate knowledge and personal development. She loves interior design, art, antiques, as well as elegant, sustainable and high-quality fashion.

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