
Goodbye online stores

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We give up (almost) all other platforms

The time has come. The lion’s share of creating our own online store is done. What I had planned for a long time, but always postponed due to time constraints, is in the starting blocks. Perhaps one or the other has already noticed it. We have already said goodbye to most other platforms, e.g. Society6, and closed our Linen & Quince online stores there. So you can be excited, because in the near future we launch our own store here on our website. There will be an additional Spoonflower Shop, which is also already in the works. An Amazon store is also planned. We will go live with all three new online stores at the same time.

The reasons

We did not make the decision easily, because it was of course a lot of work to open the old online stores in the past. However, many print-on-demand websites have been literally flooded with designs in recent years. Mainly of a rather questionable nature in terms of quality. Which was unfortunately fueled by various challenges on social media . As a result, thousands of quickly thrown together designs were posted online every day. We find that really good designs unfortunately get lost in the mass of designs. We also want to differentiate ourselves from this, as we are not just out to make a lot of money as quickly as possible without actually investing any work. We take our job very seriously and a lot of time, thought and love goes into our designs.
The platforms have now tried to counteract this and instead of being able to operate the stores free of charge, sellers now have to pay a fee for most of them.
We have nothing against that at all. But unfortunately, in our eyes, it’s a little too late for that. We would therefore prefer to place ourselves with our online stores only in such a way that we do not get lost in a plethora of poorly and lovelessly created designs. Maybe that sounds harsh and some may even feel criticized by it. But it corresponds to the bitter reality in my opinion. I would also like to improve my designs in the future. I think it is necessary for this that I set the standard of the competing designs accordingly high. This does not work in marketplaces, where the vast majority of designs are unfortunately of rather questionable quality.

The future

I have dreamed for a very long time of having more influence on product selection and quality. On-demand manufacturing is still the right way for us for now. For the sake of the environment and also for economic reasons. But we are already working on other products. The expansion of our new online stores will therefore continue unabated after the store launch on our website. There will also be some new beautiful designs coming soon. Others fall away for the time being. Firstly because I will be reissuing them and secondly because we also license designs to other brands.
For example, if you want an individual variation of an existing design or want to use one of my designs for commercial purposes, feel free to send us an email or use the contact form.
For those of you who already know and love Spoonflower, we look forward to making our designs for fabrics, wallpapers and various products available there in an online store very soon.
If you would like to share your own creations with our designs, you are very welcome to do so via Instagram or Facebook, just feel free to tag us in one of your posts with our designs. We would be very happy to see your projects. Please keep in mind that you may only use the designs for private, non-commercial purposes. If you have any questions, just send us an email.


Whoever doesn’t know Spoonflower yet, has definitely missed something, we think. There you can buy thousands of beautiful designs on a huge selection of different fabrics, wallpapers or finished products. Unlike other print-on-demand platforms, the online stores there are also free for the time being, but the designs all have to be reviewed in person before they are released in the online stores. This means that you have to order your own design as a sample first and that is subject to a charge.
30 designs cost as a sample currently eg 35€ on the basic cotton fabric.
Thus, the more designs you upload and sell, the more it costs. Which probably scares off the really bad designs and “designers” who aren’t really serious. The quality of prints and fabrics on Spoonflower is also a lot better than on other platforms, we think. We are really excited to see how our designs will be received by the Spoonflower community. And have also already discovered some impressive designs from other designers ourselves, which we have earmarked for the one or other DIY project.


By the end of the year, we will change a few things and continue to expand our new online shop here on our website. In any case, we are really excited to be able to share projects with you soon that have been in the works for some time. What do you think of our new online shop and what do you think of Spoonflower? Do you have your own experience with this platform as a designer? What do you think in general about the many print on demand platforms and our decision to leave (almost) all of them? Feel free to leave us a comment.

I wish you an exciting weekend.

All the love


“Two things are necessary to our work: tireless perseverance and a willingness to throw away something you’ve put a lot of time and effort into.”

Albert Einstein

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About the author

Christina Ernst

Christina Ernst is founder and CEO of Linen & Quince. She is also a designer, author and real estate expert. She shares her experiences and knowledge not only on our Linen & Quince blog, but also on her personal blog, , where she writes about financial knowledge, starting a business, real estate knowledge and personal development. She loves interior design, art, antiques, as well as elegant, sustainable and high-quality fashion.

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